Thursday, February 14

Our thoughts and prayers are with Northern Illinois University

This is another tragic day. Yet another school shooting on a college campus. This time it is close to home, at Northern Illinois University. You can find a more detailed story and video here, if you are looking for more information.

According to reports, a former NIU graduate student in sociology walked onto the stage in a lecture hall during a geology class and started shooting. As of the latest report, 5 students and the gunman were dead, and other 16 people were wounded.

Any time there is a school shooting, it is a terrible tragedy. However, it seems a little different when you have an actual attachment to the school. In this case, Cheryl's brother and his girlfriend both go to Northern. Additionally, three students from Living Hope Church, including one who occasionally pokes her head into Quest also go to school there. Fortunately, they are all safe and sound.

My reaction tonight is one of sadness and a desire to help. As I was driving home tonight, all I could think of was that if I thought it would do any good, I would drive out to DeKalb to help. But I just didn't know that it would accomplish anything.

To everyone attending or related to Northern: We are praying for you. If there is any way that I personally, or Quest as a group, can be of any assistance, let me know. You can post a comment here, or you can email me at

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